Thusly, the scat duo The Marzipans were born. Tom Waits on scat. The Loss Adjuster on more scat. We toured only in the south, hitting every juke joint and fry hop south of the Mason-Dixon line. Club owners paid us in Kentucky Bourbon and quarters for the automat.
We didn’t bother making a whole album, just three 7” singles: The Marzipans, The Marzipans In Space, and The Marzipans Are Almond Paste. Aurocka designed our sleeves out of mimeograph paper to look like tortell pastries.
It was an exciting three or four hours in our lives. I recall telling Tom at one point, “Tom, this is a pretty exciting three or four hours in our lives, is it not?” Tom simply nodded his bowler hat in my direction and went back to sipping from the bottle of Buffalo Trace he kept in his duster.
I'd stand in line for HOURS to see your concert. Even in the rain.