Monday, March 9, 2009

Things You Need To Know

* I got the job.

* I start tomorrow.

* I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

* My tolerance level for booze is rather disturbing at times.

* Susannah is super cool and pretty and you should date her! Or, at least, follow her blog.

* I'm sure I'll get around to blogging about all of this in detail someday.

* I love you guys. Seriously.


  1. Hurray, hurray! Congratulations!

  2. i'm jumping up and down for ya! is this the job you wanted but hadn't heard from, or is this the manager retail job?

    congrats!!! hopefully some of that will rub off on me soon!

  3. I missed this post but when I saw the one title that said "first day" I thought "HE GOT THE JOB". YAY I'm so happy for you...although perhaps you should not drunk blog ;-). I should know because I should not drunk anything.

    Hope you love the new job!

  4. Congratulations!! I'm happy for you :)

  5. @all Thank you so much!

    @ReRe It's for the job I wanted. Basically, I got the job suddenly. I had no time to absorb the fact that I'm suddenly employed.

    @Desert_Rat And I seriously shouldn't drunk blog about this job. There are confidentiality issues and all. BTW, you have my full permission to drunk everything, because it's totally awesome when you do so! :)

    @Susannah I love you, too. ;P
