Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photographic Evidence For The Existence Of Lord Bob

I heard a commotion coming from the living room a few minutes ago. I could hear a great deal of meowing, but it wasn't the typical "Simon and Niro having a spat over who ate the last string cheese" meowing, so I grabbed my camera and snuck in to investigate. And there he was, Lord Bob in all his splendor.


  1. dude simon looks pissed. bob is huge

  2. aw, he's cute! although, of course, we all know that grey cats are still the best.

  3. I think Lord Bob just knows where the party is at and wants an invite!

  4. A rare sighting indeed! Perhaps Lord Bob has come to knight your cats?

  5. I don't think Lord Bob wants to knights the cats! Lord Bob looks suspicious
